Monday, March 1, 2010

UNICEF Tap Project 2010

I know it has been a while since we have updated our blog. I bet you are all curious about our first Mardi Gras, and believe you me it was incredible. I fully intend on an update with the experience here when I can catch my breath a bit. I am writing today to let you know that we are going to attempt another UNICEF Fundraiser. This particular project benefits children around the world by providing safe and clean drinking water. I hope we can raise money through this program; some of the money is going to provide clean drinking water for the people of Haiti. Thank you for your continued support. Just follow the instructions at the link provided. Your generocity will help many!

Thanks again,

Monday, January 11, 2010

Good News

Thanks for all those who kept Ryan and Julie in your prayers. The surgery was Friday, and they got all of the colloid cyst. Ryan was doing well the last I heard, and we thank God for that! He is off the ventilator and moving all extremities as well as obeying commands. :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Please Pray

Just wanted to ask all of you for your help. I found out yesterday afternoon that my friend's husband, Ryan, has a colloid cyst in his brain. Yesterday, he was flown from Washington County Hospital to Johns Hopkins where the family is currently waiting to speak to the physicians to find out what is going on. He is being sedated and has a shunt draining cerebral spinal fluid because the cyst was putting pressure on his brain. Please keep Julie and Ryan and their family in your thoughts and prayers as they go through this tough time.
