Friday, September 25, 2009

A Product Sharing the State of the Heart

Hello readers.
Today i was hoping to share with you a poem I wrote during one of our Tuesday night gatherings. For those of you reading who are wondering what I mean by "gathering" on Tuesdays the four of us workers and our program director, Jackie, get together to "Share the state of the Heart". This is a St.Joseph tradition that we are now very familiar with. It involves sharing a meal in community and then discussing basically where we are at using one simple word (which describes our heart's state). We can then choose to elaborate, chat about our word, do some journaling or whatever we see fit. Recently, we did a guided journaling session in which the question set forth was "What is my Truth?" This is what came out for me. I would invite you to ask yourself this question...

My Truth

Respect, compassion, unconditional optimism

My truth rocks the boat of convention

I float on waves of happiness

And eat uncertainty for breakfast

Real, warm, testing the limits of this world—

My truth;

My words on fire

Awake, starkly & beautifully aware…

Of this remarkable existence and its inhabitants

My truth shines like the stars

My truth lets the past go,

It does not brood over the future;

My truth just is…

I am.

Thinking, growing, learning

A Mecca of uncharted territory—

Crashing into others;

My truth stifles fear and burns with intensity

Free is my heart

Open is my soul

Gorgeous is my body

Brilliant are my surroundings

My truth makes love with this life and its curious beings


  1. WOW! can't offer much to what you wrote, just WOW! You've captured the "sharing of the heart in its essence.....I will use this poem for my own reflection...thanks for sharing....barb kupchak

  2. Traci, your poem is so amazing! I really felt the freedom, the integrity, the energy of your spirit as you claim your place in this incredible world. I just shake my head in awe when I read your writing, girl! You really have a future in this field, if you want it!

    Can;t wait to see you tomorrow! Love and a hug, Judy
